Science Communication Article Writing Guide
Stuck for ideas or need some support with writing your article? We’ve got you covered!
Step 1: Find an Article Idea
Brainstorm your own idea, or pick one of the ones below from the Youth STEM Matters Team!
Step 2: Pick an Article Style
Choose one of our 6 article styles to tell your story, your way.
Take a deep dive into a local or global issue you want to highlight, and provide fresh insights
Have your say on the world's
biggest challenges
Case Study
Highlight people, events or organisations tackling local and global issues through STEM
Help others by sharing a
reflection on your experience of getting involved in STEM
Report on recent STEM events or breakthroughs
Speak to someone who is making
a difference through STEM
Step 3: Plan Your Article
A good plan is an important step towards an impactful and engaging article! Download a copy of our Science Communication Article Planning Sheet to help you think through your article’s purpose & audience, and create an outline of your article structure!
Step 4: Write Your Article
Now it’s time to write your article! Be sure to follow our Submission Guidelines, and here’s our top tips for writing a great article, while enjoying the writing process…
✅ Always try to use a range of reliable evidence-based and trusted sources to back up your points
✅ Think about the issue from all angles - how does it impact people, the planet and the economy? What are the pros and cons? What are the wider implications of the solution?
✅ If you’re writing as part of a group, it can be easier to write a section each, but make sure you also have someone joining everything together so your article is consistent and coherent
✅ Keep a list of the sources you use as you go, so you can easily compile your reference list at the end
✅ Talk to people impacted by the issue, and include their voices in your article
✅ Writer’s block? Remember you don’t need to write your entire article in one go - taking a step away can help you find new ideas!
✅ Add copyright free images to your article to engage the reader

Step 5: Submit Your Article
Submit by Sunday 31st March, 5pm BST